Friday, August 12, 2016

7 Open House Tips in Selling Beach Homes in Santa Cruz

7 Open House Tips in Selling Beach Homes in Santa Cruz

If you want to maximize the chances of getting the best offer for your beach home for sale in Santa Cruz, holding an open house could be the way to go. Many people looking for homes will eagerly take advantage of any opportunity to find their dream home, and open houses can be especially appealing because of the easy and immediate access to a home for sale. Open houses are also great ways to show your home to people who may have family members or friends who are in search of their future homes. Here are some things you can do to prepare for an open house.

Prepare a remarkable open for your Santa Cruz CA beach house by doing these 7 steps!

1. Put up signs. The first thing you want to do is get the word out that you are having an open house. Have signs in your front yard, around the neighborhood, and along major intersections. You can tie balloons on your signs to make them more noticeable.

2. Lock up your belongings. Remove any valuable possessions or keep them locked away during the open house. Your agent’s job is to assist the viewers with any questions or clarifications that they  might have.  You are responsible for your belongings so to be safe, secure your personal possessions before the event.

3. Be careful in using scents. No one likes the scent of a musty house, but scents that are too strong aren’t any more likeable. If you want to use an air freshener, make sure that the scent is not too strong since it could also trigger an allergic reaction to potential buyers with such condition. You can skip the fresheners altogether by giving your home a deep cleaning. Sometimes, shampooing carpets, deodorizing appliances, and opening your windows and doors to let the air in are enough to get your home smelling fresh again.

4. Make entryways more attractive. Buyers who feel good about your home right from the beginning will most likely feel good throughout the whole viewing time. Give them a good first impression by improving your entryways. Do some cleaning and sweeping, dust off cobwebs and dirt, polish wooden surfaces, add fresh plants and other simple decorations to brighten up this part of your beach house for sale in Santa Cruz.

Check out these 7 must-do's for a spectacular open house for your beach house in Santa Cruz CA.

5. Experiment with the lighting. Different rooms require different lighting depending on the room’s function. For example, you can use LED lights to brighten up your living room and make it appear more roomy.  You can use adjustable halogen lights in the dining room as they provide more lighting on the table and bring out the best in your dining room accent - the chandelier.

6. Use photo boards or slideshows. Prepare some pictures or a slideshow that will show buyers the best of your house and the community. You may want to have pictures of your home under different seasons, pictures of events that happen regularly, and pictures of places to go to for recreation and entertainment.

7. Go digital. To help visitors remember your home better, you can provide them with a CD that has information about the property and the neighborhood. Include details of your home’s floor plans, views, and unique features, as well as the helpful information on the neighborhood’s amenities and services.

Your beach home for sale in Santa Cruz will be in good hands when you hire a real estate agent to help you prepare for and manage a big event like an open house. With their guidance and knowledge, you can expect a good experience for you and the potential buyers.

Thinking of selling your home in Santa Cruz? Visit for more helpful home selling tips or click to receive a free professional market value analysis prepare espcially for you. Then we can meet to discuss your options.

Call me, Sandy Wallace, today at 831-818-7099. My professional and expert knowledge of the local housing market in and around Santa Cruz CA will help you find the home of your dreams.

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